various problems with IMP and Internet Explorer

Mike Satake
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:33:03 -0700 (PDT)


I'm testing IMP for my organization, and have encountered several issues using
it with Windows 2000 Internet Explorer 5.5sp1.  I was able to fix one, but the
others are unresolved.

My set-up:
Solaris 2.6
IMP 2.2.4/Horde 1.2.4
Apache 1.3.19 with mod_ssl, php 4.0.4pl1
MySQL 3.23.33
(NOT using wvWare software)

First, I couldn't download Word/Excel/PowerPoint attachments to disk. Instead,
the attachment would open within IMP's right frame.  I was able to fix this by
commenting-out the ($this_client->broken_disposition) block in DOWNLOAD_ATTACH
in view.php3.  Apparently Microsoft fixed the issue in sp1, so the workaround
for the original 5.5 causes problems in 5.5sp1.  Unfortunately, there's no way
that I know of to differentiate between 5.5 and 5.5sp1 on the server side.

Second, I can't view attachments that launch other programs, such as PDF files.
 I get this error in Internet Explorer:

"Internet Explorer cannot download ...=10063&bodypart=3&actionID=14 from
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site
is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

It works fine for attachments that IE itself can display, such as pjpeg files.
Also, IE does work fine if IMP is accessed over non-SSL connections.  Netscape
has no problems at all.  Is there any workaround available?

Lastly, after saving an attachment to disk, clicking on the links in the left
frame wouldn't update the frame on the right-side.  A workaround is to click on
the "go to inbox" link in the right frame.  After the inbox is displayed, the
navigation links on the left frame work again.

I couldn't find these issues in the list archive; sorry if they were previously

Thanks in advance,

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