[imp] How Ready is 2.3.7? / SMS-Notifications

Carsten Guenther cguenther@guenthers.net
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 13:09:09 +0200

Nick Ustinov schrieb:

> as for sms -- well, i can contribute, but i am not sure if there will be any
> use of that for you. it's like a mobile informator feature -- maybe you've
> seen microsoft outlook mobile manager -- you can adjust that it forwards
> messages/notices to your mobile phone upon specific rules, let's say if you
> haven't logged in for 1 day and then you want your messages to be forwarded
> to your mobile phone from 9am to 6pm.
> it can do that, but first of all i am not sure if there are gateways to sms
> via e-mail in other countries but Latvia  (i can e-mail to
> 123456789@sms.provider.lv and it will reach the destinations mobile phone as
> SMS message) and second is that this module only stores information about
> the user's settings in MySQL database. I've modified cyrus' deliver program
> to look up the database and see if message should be forwarded to the
> recipient upon reception.
> if anyone is interested i can share.

hi again.

we have our own sms-server (sendsms from www.bai.de), including siemens

would be "great" to be able to use this one in junction with your

could you please send a copy.... ? :-)

best regards