2.3.7 configuration problems

Martín Marqués martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 18:50:40 +0300

I downloaded horde and imp from the HEAD cvs, installed it as I did with the 
STABLE version, ran the test.php (which was OK), but can't make it work. I 
get this error:

[Tue Apr 10 18:40:45 2001] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined 
function:  _() in /space/httpd/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php on line 296
/space/httpd/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php(296) : Fatal error - Call to 
undefined function:  _()

I looked to see if there was a place where the underscore function was 
defined, but couldn't find it. What's wrong?

BTW, I'm with PHP-4.0.6-dev.

Saludos... :-)

El mejor sistema operativo es aquel que te da de comer.
Cuida tu dieta.
Martin Marques                  |        mmarques@unl.edu.ar
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral