Pop with IMP and vpopmail system

Guillaume Monfort Guillaume.Monfort@v-com.fr
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:56:09 +0200


i've set up the whole thing to use IMP¨
only with pop.
so when i log on with my test user, i get a blank
page. althought, if i look at the logs files of mysql
and apache, i see no errors.

here is my config :

$default->server                         = 'pop.oxyd.fr';
$default->from_server                    = 'oxyd.net';
$default->servtype                       = 'pop3';
$default->port                           = '110';

is it ok ?
i'm really not sure about what to put in the
personal_folders config. i suppose that IMP
will act as  i.e eudora and POP the mail
and then store it somewhere else independantly
from the vpopmail tree.

indeed, it is not simplier as it seems.
thanks to all for your help.