[imp] attachments_size

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:46:51 -0400

Quoting "Admin C.Eisma" <admin@sector17.nu>:

> Warning: Undefined variable: attachments_size in 
> /home/sector17_nu/httpd/html/horde/imp/compose.php3 on line 921
> This warning I get when I want to add an attachment to any message.
> (I use imp 2.2.4)

Does this happen on the demo site, also? Does it depend on what browser you use?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>

You will receive an urgent transmission from the Martian government informing 
you that Mars does not, in fact, need women, so please stop sending them.