[imp] French Translation of v2.3+ by S. Guilbaud

Sebastien Guilbaud sguilbaud@oceanet-technology.com
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:21:57 +0200

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> > I've almost finished it, don't restart to the beginning !!
> No problem it's fine ! The point is it's cool to have it ! It' nice u did it.

not yet finished :-))
> > I can send it today (not finished, 74 messages remaining to
> > translate) to the dev list, if it's the best solution to
> > handle corrections/additions.
> I'll keep an eye open for corrections/additions. Why not waiting for
> translation to be done at 100% ?

because I'm like you, days should last at least 14 hours to handle
all my work :-) I won't work on the translation this week, If anybody
wants to go further in the translation, I don't want to block it...

Sébastien Guilbaud
"To err is human, to really f*ck things up requires the root password"
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