[imp] No sending or draft saving from compose

Horst Simon hsimon@ico.nec.com.au
Wed, 9 May 2001 10:25:31 +1000


Thanks for the information, I update to PHP4 and this fixed the problem.
Two questions:

When I close the browser without logout and I come back I go to the last
screen accessed. Can there be a timeout or something else be set that I will 
be logged off when exiting?

Is there a common addressbook available, which can be accessed by all users,
without using LDAP?

Thanks and Regards,

On Mon,  7 May 2001 22:06, you wrote:
> Quoting Horst Simon <hsimon@ico.nec.com.au>:
> >      PHP Version: 3.0.17-dev
> This is old and possibly buggy. Please upgrade to a more recent php. If you
> still have the problem, check to see if php is segfaulting - sounds like it
> - and if it is, get a backtrace and post a bug report (directions at
> bugs.php.net).
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "When you can't even start, it's time to stop" - Jason

  E-Mail: hsimon@ico.nec.com.au
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