[imp] Attachments with a load-balanced web cluster

Didi Rieder adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at
Thu, 10 May 2001 16:56:33 +0200

Quoting Matt Flaherty <matt@boltbluecorp.com>:

> Hi,
> I've got a site with serveral Linux web servers sitting behind a
> load-balancer. Uploaded attachments are often lost because sequencial
> requests will span different physical machines. I've got an NFS mounted
> partition that I'd like to use as the upload_tmp_dir. I'm wondering if this
> is safe, though. How are the .att filenames formed? Will they still be
> unique when created by a fleet of webservers?

Doesn't your loadbalancer allow "persistent connections" (with a timeout, when 
the client is inactiv) between client and one of your servers?


Didi Rieder