[imp] French language

Sam Przyswa samp@arial-concept.com
Fri, 11 May 2001 15:58:22 +0200

Surlignage Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Sam Przyswa <samp@arial-concept.com>:
> > Thanks for the french language in IMP cvs, it's a good work, have you
> > plan to make the same in Turba ?
> I'm hoping someone will do so, yes. :) The same infrastructure is there; I
> just 
> need to ad po/ directories to all of the other modules. Hopefully we can
> start 
> putting together a translation team for all of Horde.

I can translate some parts of Horde in french, at this time I use only IMP and 
Turba, I haven't tested the others...

> Also, Turba has it's own mailing list: turba@lists.horde.org. :)

Yes I subscribed it.
