[imp] User address books?

Max Kalika max@the-triumvirate.net
Mon, 14 May 2001 15:05:44 +0000

Quoting Sam Rowe <sam@samrowe.com>:

> I've got Turba installed and working with my LDAP server, but I don't 
> see options for user-defined address books. Am I just missing it?

you can define another addressbook source in config/sources.php that has the 
parameters for a writeable addressbook (e.g. sql).

> Also, is there a plan to move away from having to authenticate to Turba
> when already authenticated to IMP ? That's -really- annoying.

That is already in place.  You can set up IMP to be the authentication 
controller for Horde.  To do so, uncomment the following lines in 

$this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'imp';
$this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'imp';

/// max kalika 
// max@the-triumvirate.net 

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stuff out of computers" -- douglas adams 4/5/01