[imp] PHP/PEAR errors

Sam Rowe sam@samrowe.com
Tue, 15 May 2001 09:32:12 -0400

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 01:02:34PM +0000, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
# Quoting Sam Rowe <sam@samrowe.com>:
# > I'm not sure what you mean by updating correctly.
# PEAR.php used to be generated from PEAR.php.in. Now it isn't, but unless you 
# removed the generated file explicitly, you probably got a cvs conflict when you 
# updated, and you thus didn't get the new PEAR.php without those constant 
# definitions (since they're now defined by PHP).

Any ideas why I'm getting 0-byte files when I try to log in?
