[imp] LDAP enhancements

Mark Koek mark.koek@stelvio.nl
Thu, 17 May 2001 14:49:24 +0200

Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch> wrote:

>> b) set the base DN for LDAP searches relative to the user's own DN, so that
>> the administrator can make options to search the world, your own country,
>> your own organization, your own organizational unit, etc.
> hmmm, interesting,
> What do you mean by relative to user's own DN? example please.

Say, the user 'aghaffar' has logged in. This user id is found in the LDAP
server with distinguished name (DN) "uid=aghaffar, ou=development,
o=bigcompany, c=ch".

Then I would like to be able to offer this user a choice of, for example,
searching for contacts in "Development Department" (base DN = "ou=development,
o=bigcompany, c=ch") or 'Entire Company' (base DN = "o=bigcompany, c=ch").

If you want to do that for an organization with many different departments (ou
branches), too many to list all departments as options, you would need to
compute the base DN for the search from the users own DN. That's what I mean by

It would be cool if there was a way of specifying that in the config/ldap.php3
