[imp] my language

Yohann Fourteau yohann.fourteau@shom.fr
Fri, 18 May 2001 19:48:46 +0200

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Sebastien Guilbaud <sguilbaud@oceanet-technology.com>:
> > I have noticed the same problem on several linux distributions :
> > try to restart apache (apachectl graceful) in a shell where you previously
> > set the LANGUAGE variable (export LANGUAGE=fr_FR:fr for instance). Awful
> > trick, but it works for me. gettext was not working for me on the command line
> > by just affecting the LANG variable, it needs LANGUAGE.
> If you modify IMP to put LANGUAGE into the env as well as LANG, does it work?

I've a Debian/Sid and my gettext doesn't work at all... for the moment
I'm trying to make my gettext working :) So for the moment and for me,
IMP 2.3 is in english :) 

Yohann F.