some corrections
Alexander Pankov
Sun, 20 May 2001 23:12:18 +0300 (EEST)
> > ../config/horde.php exists!
> That would be a misconfiguration in Horde, not IMP.
Nevertheless this's the reason why my IMP didn't work.
Then, I've another question. IMP sources, file imp/lib/Tree.php.
// this *should* always get the right delimiter
$tmp = $this->getMailbox('');
$this->delimiter = $tmp->delimiter;
preg_match('|({.*}).*|', $tmp->name, $regs);
$this->server = $regs[1];
The first line fails, it do not return any mailbox. I've commented
out these 4 lines, everything works fine. What are this line to do?!.
Best regards, asp.
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