
Tue, 22 May 2001 16:42:28 -0400

On Tue, 22 May 2001 15:31:19 +0100, Lars Hecking
<> wrote:

>> The Horde team announces the availability of IMP 2.2.5, a.k.a.

> What does this php4-related change do? (INSTALL/httpd.conf)
>+          php_flag register_globals On

I recall the IMP 2.2 docs said register_globals needs to be turned on.

The PHP site however, recommends turning register_globals off, since
track_vars is always on with recent PHP4 versions, and therefore it is
better to get values from $HTTP_*_VARS, where they cannot be tampered
with by user input.

Question:  Do register_globals still need to be on for IMP 2.3?