[imp] Re: immediate logouts

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 23 May 2001 16:07:44 -0400

Quoting David Bishop <david@bishop.dhs.org>:

> This is the incredibally frustrating part.  I haven't :-)  Is there some sort 
> of "debug" flag I can set with php so that I can step through what it's 
> pulling in and where??

You can make sure error_reporting is set to E_ALL.

> I have double and triple checked all of the config 
> files that I know of (/etc/horde/horde_phplib.in, /etc/horde/prepend.php3, 
> /etc/imp/defaults.php3, /etc/php4/apache/php.ini) and can't see anything
> wrong with any of them.  I've 'grep -ri db_sql /etc'ed and came up with
> nothing.

DB_Sql is a class defined in the various database backend files for phplib - 
you'd get it redeclared if you included more than one of them (mysql and pgsql, 

> In both cases (this is the second completely fresh install, on
> fairly new machines) that I've made sure to only uncomment one data method in 
> prepend.php.  I'm fully willing to admit it is probably me being dumb, but 
> how?! 

Hard to say from what you've said... could you attach your prepend.php3 and 
local.inc files (without passwords, please) so we can see what's being 
included/defined? Maybe you're including prepend.php3 from multiple places?

You could put an echo into prepend.php3 to see how many times it gets 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.