[imp] failure notice (fwd)

Egan egan@sevenkings.net
Wed, 23 May 2001 16:38:36 -0400

On Wed, 23 May 2001 22:25:34 +0200 (CEST), <jtaskine@hit.fi> wrote:

>I think SRM would be the thing to use here.
>If Anil (or someone else) is interested in writing a IMAP module for it I
>will gladly help. But if he already has written such beast, nevermind. :)

I checked th web site:

> SRM - FAQ  

> Will SRM be commercial? 

> SRM will be free for non-commercial use. The module API will be also open

Speaking for myself, I prefer a solution implemented as free (GPL)
source; I think it would be good to have an alternate free solution.
