[imp] Re: Re: Something I don't understand

Santiago Romero sromero@servicom2000.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 13:11:04 +0200

El lun, 28 de may de 2001, a las 12:58:48 +0200, Santiago Romero dijo:
> El vie, 25 de may de 2001, a las 11:18:03 -0400, Chuck Hagenbuch dijo:
> > >  IPPL informs the sysadmin of all tcp/ip conections.
> > >  If IMP had connected to mail.servicom2000.com, it would appear a
> > >  LDAP request from on IPPL...
> > 
> > And you don't see anything like this?
>  I've done some more tests and I'm not able to reach the ldap
>  server from withing PHP/IMP :(((
>  If I do a telnet mail.servicom2000.com 389, IPPL says:
>  13:00:09 ldap connection attempt from top.servicom2000.com []
>  But trying to do a search on the Contact Window of IMP reports nothing
>  on IP Pananoia Logger :(

 I've managed to connect to the LDAP server... (in a test way).

 I've modified horde/imp/ldap.search.php3 :

 I've changed:

$str_serv  = $lserver->server;
$str_root = $lserver->root;
$str_sn   = $lserver->sn;
$str_emailattr = $lserver->emailattr;

$ds = ldap_connect($str_serv);


$str_serv = "mail.servicom2000.com";
$str_root = $lserver->root;
$str_sn   = $lserver->sn;
$str_emailattr = $lserver->emailattr;

$ds = ldap_connect($str_serv);

 And now it connects, as IPPL says (on mail.servicom2000.com):

13:12:58 ldap connection attempt from top.servicom2000.com []

 But the Contact window says that 

"There are too much entries found, try reducing the search scope"
(translated from spanish to english).

 Any idea?

Santiago Romero
Departamento de Sistemas

Av. Primado Reig 189, entlo
46020 Valencia - Spain
Telf. (+34) 96 332 12 00
Fax. (+34) 96 332 12 01