having a hard time getting the user name and password

Romulo Roberto Pereira rpereira@vox2vox.com
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:37:43 -0400


I am having  a hard time getting the value of the $imp->user and
$imp->password. This is what I am doing:

require '../lib/horde.lib';
require './lib/imp.lib';
require '../config/horde.php3';
require './config/defaults.php3';
require './config/html.php3';
require './config/lang.php3';

$language = select_lang('', true);
require './lib/postconf.php3';

require "./locale/$language/login.lang";
require './locale/local/login.lang';
$help_file = 'login.help';
require "./locale/defines/$help_file";
require './config/lang.php3';

page_open(array('sess' => 'HordeSession'));

echo $imp->user; // answer: nothing

What am I doing wrong?



>From chuck@horde.org Date: Fri,  1 Jun 2001 09:40:32 -0400
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Date: Fri,  1 Jun 2001 09:40:32 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [imp] having a hard time getting the user name and password

Quoting Romulo Roberto Pereira <rpereira@vox2vox.com>:

> I am having  a hard time getting the value of the $imp->user and
> $imp->password. This is what I am doing:

Try calling $imp->unpickle() after the page_open() but before using anything.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.