[imp] Move deleted messages to Trash folder...

Santiago Romero sromero@servicom2000.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:19:52 +0200

El mar, 12 de jun de 2001, a las 01:07:09 +0200, Santiago Romero dijo:
> > > There's a patch for a trash folder with 2.2 linked from 
> > > http://horde.org/imp/2.2/.
> > 
>     if (! (imap_mail_copy($imp->stream, $msg_list,
>                           $delete_to, CP_UID|CP_MOVE)) ) {
>       $status_string = $lang->error($imp->label, 'deletion');
>       $status_color = 'red';
>     } else {
>       imap_expunge($imp->stream);
>     }

 It's working fine now. After trying to move messages and see that
 I couldn't, I tried to POSTPOSE a message and got a popup saying
 about my QUOTA. It seems that the MOVE / DELETE functions
 (which do a COPY, delete and expunge) do not test that, and that's
 why I thought it were not working fine.

 In the other hand, congratulations for the coding style! the 
 templates/* directory tree makes easy to find all someone looks
 for to change it! Thanks a lot another time.

Santiago Romero
Departamento de Sistemas

Av. Primado Reig 189, entlo
46020 Valencia - Spain
Telf. (+34) 96 332 12 00
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