[imp] Auto Lookup of Contacts in IMP CVS

Nicola Foggi nfoggi@wppost.depaul.edu
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:42:37 -0500

I guess I was looking to see if there was a way that it could "Expand Names" automatically when it sends the message, like IMP 2.2.x did...

Any ideas?


>>> chuck@horde.org 06/13/01 09:47AM >>>
Quoting Nicola Foggi <nfoggi@wppost.depaul.edu>:

> I've searched and searched the archives of both the IMP list and the
> TURBA list, in IMP 2.2.x it would complete the "nickname" from the
> address book when you hit SEND in the compose window.
> Is there such a thing in the newest version of IMP? (I'm running the CVS
> from a couple of days ago)??

The Expand Names link will look up any partial names in your Turba addressbooks.

> Also, I know there was debate before on whether or not to put a
> "CONTACT" link in the compose menu, was that ever resolved?

Yes, I just haven't gotten around to implementing the solution yet.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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