[imp] Lockup issues

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 12:06:42 +0200

I had some problems using sendmail for sending messages. Try to switch to smtp.


Zitat von Paul Hancock <phancock@lib.ci.phoenix.az.us>:

> > > Sometimes after I compose a message, my Horde/Imp session just freezes.
> Two 
> > > others have experienced this same behavior.  We all agree that it seems
> to 
> > > happen right after a compose.  Any ideas?
> > No, you're going to have to track it down to something more
> > reproducible than that...
> I'm open to (productive) suggestions.  I can find no other pattern, except
> that 
> when things do lock up, it's after a compose.
> As no one else has brought this issue up, I guess it's some sort of anomaly
> specific to this site.  We run purely https://, but I don't see why that
> would 
> make a difference.  I have set the config files to force SSL mode.
> I also see some session files in /tmp.
> -- 
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