[IMP 2.2.5] How to export a variable on mailbox.php3 in order to see it also on compose.php3
Santiago Romero
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 12:49:18 +0200
I need some users not to be able to add attachments to messages...
As my qmail authenticates agains an Netscape LDAP directory server,
I've added a LDAP field that indicates if that user can or can't
attach files to the messages...
I've modified mailbox.php3 to check the LDAP server using $imp->user
as the UID to retrieve the LDAP field, and I assing it (true/false)
to a variable called $user_can_use_attachs.
I later changed templates/compose/compose.inc and added a:
if( $user_can_use_attachs == true )
// here is all the code that shows on the screen the
// attachment buttons (the entire <tr> and </tr>)
My problem is that I need that variable to be seen on compose.inc.
As it's defined on mailbox.php3, compose.inc can't see it...
Where or how should I define it in order to be a global IMP variable?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Santiago Romero
Departamento de Sistemas
Av. Primado Reig 189, entlo
46020 Valencia - Spain
Telf. (+34) 96 332 12 00
Fax. (+34) 96 332 12 01