Craig White
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 23:38:31 -0700
Having a small problem...
I have LDAP working with my LDAP server at my home (sort of a test lab) but
at another site, I am failing to get anything but a 'too many results to
display error'.
The LDAP server is NDS / Groupwise and if I simply
ldapsearch -x -D "dc=aidssc,dc=org" -h host_ip "(objectclass=*) -v -P 2
I get
ldap_init(, 0 )
filter: (objectclass=*)
requesting: ALL
version: 2
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL
# search result
search: 2
result: 9 Partial results and referral received
# numResponses: 1
but if I
ldapsearch -x -b "dc=aidssc,dc=org" -h host_ip "(objectclass=*) -v -P 2
I get the whole enchilada...last record and summary looks like...
(please ignore real data)
# YCB,ASC,ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
dn: cn=YCB,ou=ASC,ou=ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
sn: Benson
givenname: Yvonne
telephonenumber: 222
objectclass: person
cn:: WXZvbm5lIEJlbnNvbiA=
mail: YCB@aidssc.org
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 208
# numEntries: 207
my config in config/ldap.php3 looks like...
$LDAPServers['aidssc'] = new LDAPServer('aidssc',
If I don't use the -P 2, I get an error saying...
ldap_bind: Protocol error
additional info: version not supported
Does this affect imp's LDAP query?
do I have to change some file to adjust for different commands for querying
Novell LDAP
the -P 2 for example, and the -b instead of -D before the basedn?
Is my configuration in ldap.php3 wrong?