[Fwd: Re: [imp] mail from "nobody"]

Rocio Alfonso Pita rozio@universalsupport.com
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:50:00 +0200


  I'm using IMP 2.2.5, Horde 1.2.5 on an intel red hat linux 6.2 system
with zmailer 2.99.53. I have then same problem that inline mail.
Messages has Return-path and Sender Nobody. This is a problem because
when you write an error mail the message goes to nobody and you don't
receive notification. What is the problem?

  Thanks and regards.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [imp] mail from "nobody"
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 13:26:50 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
Reply-To: imp@lists.horde.org
To: imp@lists.horde.org
References: <E15Cldg-0001zI-00@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk>

Quoting Bob Reven <bob.reven@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk>:

> i am using IMP 2.2.4 on an intel redhat linux 6.2 system with exim
> 3.22
> all emails sent by IMP have a return-path of nobody@unix1 eg,
> Return-path: <nobody@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk>
> and a 'sender' field of nobody also:
> Sender: Nobody <nobody@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk>

Either exim is ignoring the -f flag to set the sender, or you have the
path to 
the sendmail wrapper wrong and IMP is falling back on php's mail()
which can't set the envelope sender.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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>From rozio@universalsupport.com Date:	Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:59:58 +0200
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Date:	Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:59:58 +0200
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Subject: Re: [imp] HowTo modify from (login -> mailalias)


  I'm using mail-alias and not a phisic user. I'd solved the problem
with a table in the DB that has a correspondence between username and
alias. I have a new php code that link the login.php3 with mailbox.php3,
but with alias.

  Last, I'd modified preferences for the from field and I not permit
modify it anymore.

  If you want the php code, I give you.


Jan-Marc Pilawa wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am new to the list. -I browsed the archive and also
> followed the discussion for a while but didnīt find
> the right hint.
> The from adress is a composition of "login" and
> $default->from_server. This works, but leads to
> trouble and misunderstanding among the users. They
> where told to use the Mail-alias and not the login.
> It is not wanted, that the users can edit the from or
> parts of it by their own.
> Q: Has s.o. solved such a problem before? Where is the
> right point to dive into the problem? sendmail?
> login.php3? compose.php3?
> I can access the relations login <-> mailalias via an
> external OracleDB. Local mysql is running.
> Current Version of IMP is 2.2.5, php 4.0.4
> Regards, Jan.
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