[imp] LDAP - GWIA

Cliff Green green@UMDNJ.EDU
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:24:06 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Craig White wrote:

CW>Cliff Green wrote:
CW>> On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Craig White wrote:
CW>> CW> and it returns a stream of data that includes a sample like...
CW>> CW>
CW>> CW>   (please ignore real data)
CW>> CW>   # YCB,ASC,ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
CW>> CW>   dn: cn=YCB,ou=ASC,ou=ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
CW>> CW>   sn: Benson
CW>> CW>   givenname: Yvonne
CW>> CW>   telephonenumber: 222
CW>> CW>   objectclass: person
CW>> CW>   cn:: WXZvbm5lIEJlbnNvbiA=
CW>> CW>   mail: YCB@aidssc.org
CW>> Pardon the questions, but the above return is interesting...
CW>> Is this a complete entry for this person?  The reason I ask is that it
CW>> shows two different cn values, one consisting of initials, and one of a
CW>> base64 representation of a (presumably) binary value.  That's odd.

CW>I am not familiar enough with ldap to tell whether the base64 code as a
CW>cn property is odd or not, but it is typical of the entire listing. Note
CW>that this cn line always has 2 '::' (colon's) instead of just one - this
CW>may be significant but I don't know.

Again, this may be off the mark, but the reason I was curious about the cn
values is that the default filter attribute in imp's ldap query is the cn
attribute.  I don't know what you'll get querying against the kind of cn
attribute you're showing above.

I take it you get the same results when you query against surname (sn) or
givenname, right?  What happens if you edit the default $str_search in
ldap.search.php3, changing it from cn to sn?  (No, I haven't done this...)

Cliff Green				   green@umdnj.edu
Academic Computing Service			     UMDNJ
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