security stop: 2 user from same host.
Jan-Marc Pilawa
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 17:11:03 +0200 (CEST)
using: IMP 2.2.5, horde 1.2.5, 4.0.4
users reported about "security stops". I could
reproduce the Problem. Different users start netscape
on the same host an log in (IMP). Pressing "Inbox" at
the left menu-bar results for one user in an security
How can I prevent this? We have more than two users on
the same machine using IMP...
By the way: I suspect a Problem with small
code-fragments i inserted in
horde.lib, class ImpSession and compose.php3
I inserted a variable $mailnick which i use to build
the from-Adress. $mailnick is feed by a skript
executed during login which gives me the right
mailnick (alias) belonging to a username ($implogin)
I am not very familiar whith php, so there might be a
Problem whith my few lines inserted... Perhaps,
someone can help me.
Best regards
Here the code comes:
horde.lib, class ImpSession:
class ImpSession {
var $classname = 'ImpSession';
var $persistent_slots = array('data');
// session vars
var $key = ''; // session key
var $mailbox; // current mailbox
var $folders; // folders var
var $mailnick; // Pilawa: mailnick aus Datenbank
function ImpSession () {
global $default, $mailnick;
// sane defaults
$this->server = isset($default->server) ?
$default->server : 'localhost';
$this->port = isset($default->port) ?
$default->port : 143;
$this->servtype = isset($default->servtype) ?
$default->servtype : 'imap';
$this->mailbox = '';
$this->folders = isset($default->folders) ?
$default->folders : '';
$this->sortby = isset($default->sort_crit) ?
$default->sort_crit : 0;
$this->sortdir = isset($default->sort_dir) ?
$default->sort_dir : 0;
$this->from_server = isset($default->from_server)
? $default->from_server : 'localhost';
$this->mailnick = $mailnick; // HERE!
} // Constructor
/* this sets up the $data var for phplib to
serialize the object,
making everything nice and tidy. */
function pickle () {
$this->data = array();
$this->data['server'] = $this->server;
$this->data['port'] = $this->port;
$this->data['servtype'] = $this->servtype;
$this->data['user'] = $this->user;
$this->data['pass'] = $this->pass;
$this->data['mailbox'] = $this->mailbox;
$this->data['key'] = $this->key;
$this->data['msgl'] = $this->msgl;
$this->data['folders'] = $this->folders;
$this->data['sortby'] = $this->sortby;
$this->data['sortdir'] = $this->sortdir;
$this->data['delhide'] = $this->delhide;
$this->data['offset'] = $this->offset;
$this->data['from_server'] = $this->from_server;
$this->data['mailnick'] = $this->mailnick; //HERE
} // pickle
/* retrieve everything from $this->data, which
phplib has so nicely
saved for us. */
function unpickle () {
$this->server = $this->data['server'];
$this->port = $this->data['port'];
$this->servtype = $this->data['servtype'];
$this->user = $this->data['user'];
$this->pass = $this->data['pass'];
$this->mailbox = $this->data['mailbox'];
$this->key = $this->data['key'];
$this->msgl = $this->data['msgl'];
$this->folders = $this->data['folders'];
$this->sortby = $this->data['sortby'];
$this->sortdir = $this->data['sortdir'];
$this->delhide = $this->data['delhide'];
$this->offset = $this->data['offset'];
$this->from_server = $this->data['from_server'];
$this->mailnick = $this->data['mailnick'];
// also go through initialization routines
} // unpickle
} // End ImpSession
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