[imp] entire inbox deleted?

Oliver Schulze L. oliver@samera.com.py
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 18:02:17 -0400

I'm asked that beacuse un RH 7.0 the imapd does not use /home/$USER/mbox
So, if you have this file, you have to append to the file in 
Something like this:
$ cat /home/$USER/mbox >> /var/spool/mail/$USER


jlewis@lewis.org wrote:

>On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Oliver Schulze L. wrote:
>>If is not a pop3 issue, do you upgraded you imap server to imap-2000?
>imapd is imap-4.7c.  Nothing is allowed to connect to it other than our
>IMP server.

Oliver Schulze L.