PHP4 Settings and IMP 2.3.7
Devin Atencio
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 23:52:56 -0600
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I am running PHP 4.0.6 and I was wondering if having --enable-trans-sid =
would affect
how IMP 2.3.7/HORDE 1.3.5 would work? Would it affect authentication or =
the program in some way? Should I not use --enable-trans-sid? I =
currently have
PHP4.0.6 compiled with the following options:
'./configure' '--with-mysql=3D/usr/local' =
'--with-snmp' '--with-imap=3D/home/staff/src/imap-4.7' =
'--enable-trans-sid' '--with-gettext'
'--with-gd=3D/usr/local' '--disable-debug'
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