[imp] Writing to user's .forward file from IMP

Teletechnics Afield email@teletechnics.com
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:33:10 +0000 (GMT)


I've implemented such a thing on my server, which I dubbed automail.
Basically using a php script it will place a predefined .forward file into the 
home user account.  Then depending on what the user requires it will place a 
procmail receipe, and sub-recipes.  depending on what is wanted a recipe will 
be placed to provide an autoreply (vacation message) and the user will write a 
message in a seperate file which will be sent as an automatic reply email.  
Another recipe will allow for forwarding of emails to an alternative address, 
either with or without retaining an email copy locally.

I cannot do this right now, but when I have some time I can dig out all the 
information and post it, including the scripts, and the modifications I had to 
make to existing php scripts.  It is not the tidyest of implementation but it 
has worked, and I think I have addressed most security issues.

It works with IMP 2.2.4 (I have not yet implemented 2.2.5, and am waiting for 
the full release of the 2.3 strain) my server O/S is freeBSD and IMAP writes 
its mail folders directly to the home user directory.

Please send me a reminder during the next week if you would like this.  At the 
moment this weekend is a nightmare (workwise).


Quoting Christopher Crowley <ccrowley@tulane.edu>:

> Hello -
> I have a user request to write an interface  for IMP that would allow
> users
> to write to their .forward and .vacation.msg files, and instantiate the
> vacation mail program.
> I presume that IMAP will allow me write to the user's home directory.
> Any
> suggestions about this are welcome.
> Also, ideas and suggestions about methods for instantiating the
> vacation
> program for each user would be very useful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Chris
> -- 
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Teletechnics Afield

currently in: Genoa, Italy