[imp] wvWare problem again

Frank Pineau frank@pineaus.com
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 08:17:15 -0400

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:55:40 +0100, you wrote:

>> /usr/local/bin/wvWare -x /usr/local/share/wv/wvHtml.xml
>It's designed to be used with the 'wvHtml' helper script, and not wvWare
>directly.  Any reason you aren't just using '/usr/local/bin/wvHtml' ?

I was, and that didn't work either.  After reading through the IMP archives, it
seemed other people were having a similar (if not identical) problem, and using
wvWare was thier solution.


Frank Pineau  ------------>


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