[imp] wvWare problem again

Frank Pineau frank@pineaus.com
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:33:50 -0400

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:12:55 +0100, you wrote:

>> After applying the patch, the only return I get is:
>> string(0) ""
>You'll need to do some more digging ...
>Put some more var_dump()s into the msword.php driver - before the exec()
>call, after the exec() call - is it failing for some reason?
>Change the Horde::getTempFile() calls to add a 'false' parameter to the
>end, which will prevent the temporary files from getting cleaned up.
>Does the temporary file output of the call to wvHtml have any error
>messages in it?

Ok, as near as I can tell, it's not actually getting the file.  That is to say
the driver seems to be working, but it's not getting any input, so therefore its
output is blank.  

Also, unless I added the "false" parameter wrong (likely), there doesn't seem to
be any temp file written to /tmp.  (Where is this configured?  Maybe I'm just
looking in the wrong place for the temp file.)

I'm not very good at programming, but I'm doing my best.


Frank Pineau  ------------>


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