2.3.7 folders question...

Doug Forman doug.forman@mac.com
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 11:01:44 -0700

This could be a question rooted in ignorance, but...

Using Mail (Mac OS X) as an IMAP client, when I create a series of 
folders on the IMAP mail server, this is what I see in unix:

/user/mail/folder1 (folder1 is a file, not a directory)
/user/mail/folder2 (folder2 is a file, not a directory)
/user/mail/folder3 (folder3 is a file, not a directory)
/user/mail/folder4 (folder4 is a file, not a directory)

These "mail folders" work great in Mail, but are invisible to IMP 2.3.7

If I create a mail folder in IMP 2.3.7, I cannot "see" that folder as a 
file or directory in unix - or in Mail - but I can use the new folder 
easily within IMP.

My next step is to try another IMAP client and see if I get yet a third 
set of mutual exclusivity ;-)
