[imp] change password

Adam Kujawski -- Amplex Support adamkuj@amplex.net
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:04:33 -0400

Add these to your IMP conf/defaults.php3 file:

$default->change_password               = 'poppassd.php3';
$default->poppassd_server               = 'localhost';
$default->poppassd_port                 = '106';

Then you have to run the poppassd daemon on localhost (or whatever server 
authenticates your logon requests). Unfortunately, poppassd is not really a 
standard part of most UNIX distro's. I think the oringal version was 
written Qualcomm/Eudora, and I remember finding source code on their FTP site.


At 02:51 PM 7/27/2001 -0300, \"André de Oliveira C. Rodrigues\" wrote:
>How can I change users password througth webmail ?
>I don't have this option on the menu.
>André de Oliveira Castanheira Rodrigues
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      Adam Kujawski                      adamkuj@amplex.net
      Network Administrator              Cell: 419.261.3268
      Amplex Internet Services           Office: 419.833.3635