[imp] Alternate login page example...
Max Kalika
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 11:38:09 -0700
Quoting Micha³ Biernacki <mbiernacki@supermedia.pl>:
> So... is the any way to send login and password from my environment
> to IMP. The only reason for that is that they do not want double login.
> The password for the restricted web area is the same as for imap server.
Take a look at redirect.php. This essentially requires two parameters:
imapuser and pass. The only caveat is that they need to come in from a POST
Or alternatively you can augment your authentication procedure by including
imp/lib/base.php and issuing IMP::createSession().
Good luck!
/// max kalika
// max@the-triumvirate.net
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