[imp] IMP & IMAPS & Solaris 8

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 11:41:17 -0400

Quoting José Gracia Neto - CAT <zegracia@cbpf.br>:

> I am using IMP 2.2.6, IMAP-SSL is installed but only run with opensslcommands.
> It does not respond well to telnet (under OpenBSD, it does).
> That is my problem. But IMP runs great with normal port 143 IMAP. I would like
> to know what kind of SSL support I am lacking of. I installed:
> MySQL, PHP, IMP, HORDE, Apache, MOD_SSL, IMAP, SSLeay, BerkeleyDB.

Okay, sounds like there are a couple of things to check.

1. Make sure the imap-ssl server is actually working. I'd use Netscape
Messenger or another ssl imap client to test this; just set it to use SSL and
see if it can talk to the server.

2. The c-client that php is compiled against needs to include ssl support, and
you need to compile php --with-imap-ssl. Did you do those?

3. IMP 2.2.6 will need a bit of tweaking to use imap-ssl; you can't just change
the port.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.