[imp] handling semicolon separated addresses

Russell J. Lahti russell@ajboggs.com
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 19:01:09 -0400

At 05:56 PM 7/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> > I missed the start of this thread, but semicolons aren't valid
> > address separators.  Simple as that.
>Acc'd to rfc822, they are:
>    http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc822/
>            There are three types of brackets which must occur in  matched
>            pairs, and which may NOT be nested:
>                o   Colon/semi-colon (":" and ";") are   used  in  address
>                    specifications  to  indicate that the included list of
>                    addresses are to be treated as a group.

If you read carefully, it states that those are a type of
brackets that must be used in a matched pair (not to seperate
a list of email addresses, but to enclose a list of email
addresses into one "group" name)

For example, it would be used as follows:

To: Group1:user@domain.com, user2@domain.com, user3@domain.com;

Needless to say, this format does not work with IMP either.
It is probably not their fault, but I don't believe that is
the way you were originally trying to use it (at least not from
the snip of the outgoing email I saw.)  And if you were, you
forgot to add the , to separate the groups as it is.

-Russell Lahti