IMP+Horde kills Apache

Graham Leggett
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 02:33:51 +0200

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Hi all,

I have just been trying to set up IMP 2.2.6, without any luck to far. I
have a successful installation of Horde v1.2.6 configured with shmem
session support.

I have set up the system using the setup.php3 script, and have tried to
log in to my courier-imap server running on localhost (which is running
- confirmed with telnet).

When the /horde/imp/ page is accessed, the login screen shows up
correctly. When an attempt is made to log in, the browser hangs. It
turns out that from this point on Apache has hung solid - the only way
to recover is to do a "killall -9 httpd".

The Apache and PHP installation is the default install shipped with
Redhat v7.1.

Has anyone confirmed whether Horde works with these packages? Anyone had
a problem like this? 

-----------------------------------------		"There's a moon
					over Bourbon Street
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