[imp] IMP+Horde kills Apache
Anil Madhavapeddy
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:27:42 +0100
> I have set up the system using the setup.php3 script, and have
> tried to log in to my courier-imap server running on localhost
> (which is running - confirmed with telnet).
But can you actually log on to the account you are testing? Just asking
to eliminate one potential problem - the IMAP server may be running, but
problems can show up when logging on. Try using another IMAP client to
test this.
> The Apache and PHP installation is the default install shipped
> with Redhat v7.1.
I don't know what versions these are. Please specify ...
It could be a problem with the shared memory - there have been fixes
going into php-cvs recently. Could you try with a database session to
try and narrow down the problem?