[imp] Sendmail issue
Oliver Schulze L.
Sat, 04 Aug 2001 04:18:39 -0400
Maybe you want to try the ssmtp program,
so you send mails from IMP via SMTP. Like
your normal mail clients do from the workstation
in your lan.
Ronald Bootsman wrote:
>I use a virusscanner on my FreeBSD server, which scans all inbound and
>outbound messages on known virussen.
>But only the messages via IMP don't get scanned. Now I need to add some
>configuration for sendmail to a file.
>This is what should be added to the sendmail command -C
>Where, how and which file do I have to edit to have this command executed
>everytime a mail is send ?
>Please help me out.
>Ronald Bootsman
>Email Ronald@Bootsman.Net
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Oliver Schulze L.