[imp] cvs download: options not loaded in DB

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:20:39 +0200

Install the latest PEAR from cvs.


Zitat von Martín Marqués <martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar>:

> I have downloaded the latest CVS of horde and I have problems with the 
> options (I'm using PostgreSQL). When I try to save an option I get this error
> in the database log:
> 2001-08-13 20:53:05 DEBUG:  query: insert into horde_prefs (uid, scope, 
> pref_name, pref_value) values(martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar, imp, refresh_time,
> 300)
> 2001-08-13 20:53:05 ERROR:  Attribute 'martin' not found
> 2001-08-13 20:53:05 DEBUG:  AbortCurrentTransaction
> The error is correct, becuase the right query should be:
> insert into horde_prefs (uid, scope,pref_name, pref_value) 
> values('martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar', 'imp', 'refresh_time', '300')
> I'm I right?
> Same thing with update.
> -- 
> Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
> si podés usar PostgreSQL?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Martín Marqués                  |        mmarques@unl.edu.ar
> Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
>                        Universidad Nacional
>                             del Litoral
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
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