[imp] oracle table definitions for imp 2.3.x?

andrew morgan morgan@orst.edu
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:42:53 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Liam Hoekenga wrote:

> Hey guys -
> Can anyone tell me what the preferences table for Horde 1.3.x / IMP 2.3.x
> should look like for use with oracle 8?
> I stumbled across someone's install notes for getting the development
> release working with mysql, and they table they set up looks like:
> mysql> CREATE TABLE user_webmail_prefs ( uid char(32) not null,
>        pref_name char(32) not null, pref_valuetext null,
>        primary key (uid, pref_name));
> Oracle doesn't want to let me use uid as a field name.

'uid' is a reserved name in our Oracle 8.1.7 installation.  We run IMP
against a mysql database server, but run Oracle for our HR system.  Our HR
software (SCT Banner) names its columns 'tablename_columnname'.  This
convention could be adopted by IMP, although it would require modify all
current databases.

However, I think you will always run into some reserved name problems with
the current setup.  For example, 'id' is a reserved name in mysql.  Using
tablename_columnname as the names of the columns means that you'll never
hit a reserved name.  Plus, it can be simpler to debug SQL problems
because you know exactly what tables and columns you are operating on.

Anyways, you'll have to change something in IMP to make it work with
