[imp] Redirect.php imp 2.3.7-cvs problem
Chuck Hagenbuch
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:30:37 -0400
Quoting "Oakes, Edward B" <eoakes@RADFORD.EDU>:
> } elseif ($imp['mailbox'] != '**search') {
> print "Made it here";
> exit;
> /* Use imap_sort to find the first unread message */
> $new = imap_sort($imp['stream'], 0, 0, SE_UID, 'UNSEEN');
> I get an error if I move the exit just below the $new = imap_sort ..
> line.
Ah - what version of PHP are you using? I fixed a segfault in imap_sort a few
months ago that you're probably hitting...
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.