sybase error
Andre Castanheira
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 15:16:24 -0300
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I'm using
imp 2.2.5
Red hat 6.0
Sybase 11.0.3
php 4.0.6
apache 1.3.20
IMP is not on production, I'm testing.
Everything is runnning ok, except in the morning, first time I access =
webmail url I receive the following warning :
Aug 23 08:25:58 CCNEFS01 httpd[1766]: PHP Warning: Supplied argument =
is ot
a valid Sybase result resource in /usr/local/phplib/ on =
line 58
After 5 or 6 refreshes, it starts working ok.
Obs : I boot sybase server every night, I've configured to eliminate
older than four hours.
Any ideas....
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