PHP, Apache, and Horde - oh my!

Benjamin J. Higgins
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:13:34 -0400

Okay here's the deal...  I had IMP/Horde out of the CVS running near perfect =
last night.  The problem was that I couldn't save/load preferences.

In a fit of stupidity (well it WAS 3:00am) - I grabbed the latest PHP4 =
(4.0.7-dev), Zend, and TSRM from the php/Zend cvs sites and compiled it.  =
Recompiled Apache for good measure . . .

NOW - the web server doesn't work properly.  I can run the =
http://webserver/horde/test.php with no problems, but when attempting to go to =
/horde or /horde/imp the web browser just sits there twiddling it's thumbs . . =
. I wisely shutdown the web browser and crashed.  About 5 hours later, I found =
the load on my server to be around 15 - in other words not really good....  I'm =
not seeing anything in /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log either . . .

I realize NOW that I just should have just altered the prefs table instead - =
but I'm kinda stuck . . .

Before I go pester the PHP/Apache crowds - I was wondering if anyone had =
encountered this before.  Thanks in advance!

Ben Higgins          |      Dovetail Internet Technologies, LLC
906 Boston Turnpike  |         "Internet Solutions That Fit"
Shrewsbury, MA 01545 |  Phone: (508) 845-6465    FAX: (508) 845-6447