[imp] Fw: wordview again

Christopher Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:37:00 -0500

Andre -

I emailed the wvWare discussion list, and received a reply from Dom. I will
post any information that becomes available from our discussion to this
list.  In the meantime, I disabled the option by commenting the line in
defaults.php3 so that users don't receive the error message.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andre Castanheira" <aocastanheira@cariocaengenharia.com.br>
To: <imp@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: [imp] Fw: wordview again


I can generate a html file from a doc one on command line, but I can't from

my defaults.php3 :
$default->path_to_mswordview             = '/usr/local/bin/wvWare -x
share/wv/wvHtml.xml';    /* M$WordView */

Any ideas ??