[imp] High priority flag...

Michael Stamper michael@wishard.edu
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 14:36:32 -0500 (EST)

>List:     imp
>Subject:  RE: [imp] High priority flag...
>From:     =?iso-8859-2?Q?Micha=B3_Biernacki?= <mbiernacki@supermedia.pl>
>Date:     2001-08-07 14:34:07
>[Download message RAW]
>> Write a patch to manually parse the headers and check for that one.
>Thanks... the patch is written and works fine.

I need this same thing.  Most of our non-Horde users utilize Netscape Messenger 
for email.  I have absolutely no idea how to manually parse the headers.  
Actually, I can't even find where IMP knows what to search for in the headers.

Can someone give me some direction here?