[imp] can't create folder...strange

François Philippo fphilippo@auchan.com
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:14:39 +0100

you're right

I use
on RH 7.1
- openldap 1.2.11-15
- qmail 1.03
- courier-imap
- horde 1.2.4
- IMP 2.2.4

so ?

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Chuck Hagenbuch [mailto:chuck@horde.org]
Envoyé : mardi 11 septembre 2001 15:01
À : imp@lists.horde.org
Objet : Re: [imp] can't create folder...strange

Quoting François Philippo <fphilippo@auchan.com>:

> when i delete a mail with IMP a ".Trash" folder is automaticly create in
> user's maildir
> but I can't create folders with the IMP folder tool.

Impossible to know without knowing what IMAP server you're using (sounds
Courier), what version of IMP, what your imap server logs say, how you've
configured IMP, etc.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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