Can't change IMP language
Mauricio Cuenca
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:07:39 -0400
I've tried without success to change de default IMP (2.3.7) language. I want
to set Spanish as the default.
Chuck told me to comment all the lines in /horde/config/lang.php expect this
"$nls['languages']['es_ES'] = 'Español';"
And I did it, but I'm still stucked with english.
I tried to look for the file with the complete list of messages but I
couldn't find it. The /horde/imp/po file does not contain an "en_EN" file.
Where can I find this file ? (I want to change some words) or what is the
efective method of setting a default language different than english ??
Thank you very much!
Mauricio Cuenca