[imp] Default identity

Dominic Hulewicz djh@intanet.com
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 20:51:11 +0100

Quoting Jan Schneider <janmailing@gmx.de>:
> You default identity is selected with the dropdown box under "Personal
> Information". You can change your identities if you follow the link
> "Edit identities".

If I select an identity (e.g. "home") from the drop-down menu and then click on 
Save Options, this new default identity remains for the current session. But if 
I logout and then come back in again, the default identity always changes to 
the second identity in the drop-down list.

> Your default identity is chosen if you compose a new message, but if you
> reply to a message that is sent to one of your other identities, this one is
> chosen.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
